More than Trustworthy
Talent Acquisition Platform
THE PL:LAB CONNECT is a Talent Acquisition Platform for Talent Searching, connecting companies with top talent.
Prepare for the future with a reliable and convenient service created from the point of view of HR Managers.
We recommend it for...
· Recruiters who want to secure high-quality talent that cannot be secured through recruitment advertisements and existing talent pools
· Recruiters who want to be recommended candidates through various new channels other than the ones currently in use
· Recruiters who prefer to communicate online through a platform rather than frequent phone calls and emails
You can get benefits such as...
Liberation from personal
information-related legal
risksOne-click consent via e-mail or KakaoTalk
Receive Candidate
Recommendations from
MoUs by proven HR
services and crew alliancesComparable by categories such as selected academic backgrounds and experience
Direct comparison/
selection of candidates
through various talent
discovery channelsReliable HR Service Quality